Trying to stay sane despite rapid advances in scientific understanding and technology!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Current Global Food Production Trajectory Won't Meet 2050 Needs
Previous studies estimate that global agricultural production may need to increase 60-110 percent to meet increasing demands and provide food security.

agricultural statistics from across the world and found that yields of four key crops -- maize, rice, wheat and soybean -- are increasing 0.9-1.6 percent every year. At these rates, production of these crops would likely increase 38-67 percent by 2050, rather than the estimated requirement of 60-110 percent. The top three countries that produce rice and wheat were found to have very low rates of increase in crop yields. [ probably a diminishing returns things? Land is largely maxed out?/or labour/ or technology?]

"The good news is, opportunities exist to increase production through more efficient use of current arable lands and increased yield growth rates by spreading best management practices. If we are to boost production in these key crops to meet projected needs, we have no time to waste."

And if not, well, then the world population might finally start to stagnate? While I don't think hunger and poverty are good things by any means, if they stagnate the worlds populations when for years we have been ignoring the fact of world population growth and its in-sustainability, perhaps we have asked for it?

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